Module 1
Lexical Analysis
  1. Basic Concept Of Compiler
  2. Different Phases Of Compiler
  3. Lexeme,Tokens,Pattern

Module 2
  1. Top Down Parsing
  2. Recursive Descent Parsing
  3. Predictive Parsing
  4. Non Recursive Predictive Parsing
  5. LL(1) Grammar
  6. Bottom Up Parsing
  7. Handle
  8. Shift Reduce Parsing
  9. Operator Precedence Parsing
  10. LR(k) Parsing
  11. SLR(Simple LR Parsing)
  12. LR(0) Items
  13. CLR(Canonical Parsing)
  14. LR(1) Items
  15. LALR(Look Ahead LR)

Module 3
Syntax Directed Translation
  1. Syntax Directed Definition
  2. Synthesized Attribute
  3. Inherited Attribute
  4. Dependency Graph
  5. Evaluation Order
  6. DAG For Expression
  7. Bottom Up Evaluation Of S-Attributed Definition
  8. L-Attributed Definition
Module 4
Run Time Enviroment
  1. Source Language Issue
  2. Storage Optimization
  3. Storage Allocation Strategies
  4. Access to Non Local Names
  5. Parameter Passing
Module 5
Intermediate Code
  1. Intermediate Language
  2. Assignment Expression
  3. Boolean Expression
Module 6
Code Generation
  1. Issue In Design Of Code Generator
  2. The Target Machine
  3. Run Time Storage Management
  4. Basic Blocks And Flow Graph
  5. DAG Representation
  6. Peephole Optimization
Module 7
Code Optimization
  1. The Principles Source Of Optimization
  2. Optimizing Basic Blocks
  3. Loops In The Flow Graph


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