Module 1

Basic Concept Of Operating System
  1. Introduction to OS
  2. Types of Operating System
Module 2
Process Management
  1. Different States Of Process
  2. Different System Calls
  3. PCB(Process Control Box)
Module 3
  1. Basic Concept Of Threads
  2. Single Thread System
  3. Multi-Thread System
  4. User Level Threads
  5. Kernel Level Threads
Module 4
Inter process Communication
  1. Basic Concept
  2. Shared Memory System
  3. Message Passing System
Module 5
Concurrency Control

  1. Precedence Graph
  2. Concurrency Condition
  3. Fork-Join Constructs
Module 6
Process Synchronization
  1. Race Around Condition
  2. Critical Section Problems
  3. Software Solution For Critical Section Problem
  4. Hardware Solution For Critical Section Problem
  5. Implementation Of Semaphores
  6. Classical Problem Of Synchronization
  7. Dining Philosopher,s Problems
  8. Reader Writer Problem
  9. Producer Consumer Problem
Module 7

  1. What is Deadlock?
  2. Deadlock Conditions
  3. Deadlock Resource Allocation Graph
  4. Deadlock Prevention
  5. Deadlock Avoidance
  6. Bankers Algorithm
  7. Safe State
  8. Resource Request Allocation Algorithm
  9. Deadlock Recovery
Module 8
CPU Scheduling
  1. Scheduling Criteria
  2. Scheduling Algorithm
  3. FCFS(First Come First Server)
  4. SJF(Shortest Job First)
  5. SRTF(Shortest Remaining Time First)
  6. LRTF(Longest Remaining Time First)
  7. Priority Scheduling
  8. Preemptive Priority Scheduling
  9. Round Robin Scheduling
  10. Multilevel Queue Scheduling
  11. Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling
Module 9
Memory Management

  1. Introduction To Memory Managemnt
  2. Address Binding
  3. Compile Time Binding
  4. Run Time Binding
  5. Load time Binding
  6. Relocation And Protection
  7. Logical Address And Logical Address Space
  8. Physical Address And Physical Address Space
  9. Memory Management Unit
  10. Swapping
  11. Memory Management Techniques
  12. Contiguous Memory Management Scheme
  13. Single Partition Scheme
  14. Multi Partition Scheme
  15. Fixed(MFT)
  16. Dynamic(MVT)
  17. Memory Management Strategies
  18. First Fit
  19. Next Fit
  20. Worst Fit
  21. Best Fit
  22. Fragmentation
  23. Internal Fragmentation
  24. External Fragmentation
  25. Compaction
  26. Non Contiguous Memory Management Scheme
  27. Structure And Organization Of Page Table
  28. Paging
  29. Virtual Memory
  30. Demand Paging
  31. Page Replacement Algorithms
  32. FIFO
  33. LRU
  35. Thrashing
  36. Working Set Model
  37. Segmentation
  38. Segmentation With Paging

Module 11
Disk Scheduling
  1. Basic Introduction
  2. FCFS
  3. SSTF
  4. SCAN
  5. C-SCAN
  6. LOOK
  7. C-LOOK

Module 11

Directory Structure And File System
  1. Directory Structure
  2. Single Level Directory Structure
  3. Two Level Directory Structure
  4. Multilevel Directory Structure
  5. Acyclic Graph Directory Structure
  6. General Tree Structure
  7. File Organization
  8. Sequential File Organization
  9. Linked File Organization
  10. Indexed File Organization
  11. Multilevel indexed File Organization
  12. Indexed linked File Organization
  13. I-Node


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